
Analysis Seminar – Kabe Moen (University of Alabama)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Connections between commutators and weighted inequalities Abstract: I will cover the Cauchy integral approach to the boundedness of commutators of Calderon-Zygmund operators and BMO functions.  I spoke about this approach and proved the basic commutator theorem of Coifman-Rochberg-Weiss in the fall of 2017.  In this talk I will go over some powerful extensions and

Analysis Seminar – Chenchen Mou, UCLA

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Weak Solutions of Mean Field Game Master Equations. Abstract: In this talk we study master equations arising from mean field game problems, under the crucial monotonicity conditions. Classical solutions of such equations require very strong technical conditions. Moreover, unlike the master equations arising from mean field control problems, the mean field game master equations are

Analysis Seminar – Chang Yu, University of Florida

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Global solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations Abstract : In this talk, I will talk about the existence of global weak solutions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, in particular, the viscosity coefficients depend on the density. Our main contribution is to further develop renormalized techniques so that the Mellet-Vasseur type inequality is not necessary for

Analysis Seminar – Tim Ferguson (University of Alabama)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Bergman and Szego projections, Extremal Problems, and Square Functions Abstract: We study estimates for Hardy space norms of analytic projections. We first find a sufficient condition for the Bergman projection of a function in the unit disc to belong to the Hardy space $H^p$ for $1 < p < \infty$. We apply the result to prove

Analysis Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: The Fractional Porous Medium Equation on Manifolds with Conic Singularities Abstract: Due to the need to model long range diffusive interaction, during the last decade there has been a growing interest in considering diffusion equations involving non-local operators, e.g. the fractional powers of differential operators. In this talk, I will report some recent work

Analysis Seminar – Xuan Wang (University of Alabama)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Harmonic Conjugation in Variable Exponent Harmonic Bergman Spaces Abstract: I will talk about the harmonic conjugation in variable harmonic Bergman space. In the first part of the talk, I'll provide an overview of the main result for constant exponent spaces.  Then I'll illustrate our latest research on the boundedness of harmonic conjugation in variable harmonic Bergman

Analysis Seminar – Scott Rodney, Cape Breton University

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Regularity Estimates for PDE with Data in Non-Standard Spaces Abstract: In this talk I present recent joint work with D. Cruz-Uribe. Given a weak super-solution $u\in W^{1,2}_0(\Omega)$ of the elliptic equation $$-\textrm{Div}\left(Q(x)\nabla u(x) \right) = f(x)$$ in a smooth domain $\Omega$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $f$ in the Birnbaum-Orlicz space $L^A(\Omega)$ ($A(t) = t^{n/2}\log^\sigma(e+t)$ with

Analysis Seminar – José Luis Luna Garcia (University of Missouri)


Title: Critical Perturbations and Solvability for Elliptic Equations Abstract: In this talk we will present recent results concerning solvability of certain Boundary Value Problems associated to a general linear second order elliptic equation, under the assumption that the equation is close, in some critical Lebesgue spaces for the coefficients, to an equation for which solvability

Analysis Seminar – Bruno Poggi (University of Minnesota)


Title. Additive and scalar-multiplicative Carleson perturbations of elliptic operators on domains with low dimensional boundaries.   Abstract. At the beginning of the 90s, Fefferman, Kenig and Pipher (FKP) obtained a rather sharp (additive) perturbation result for the Dirichlet problem of divergence form elliptic operators. Without delving into details, the point is that if the (additive)

Analysis Seminar – Fernando Lopez-Garcia (Cal State Poly – Pomona)


Title: A local-to-global method for inequalities in weighted Sobolev spaces. Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss a certain local-to-global technique with applications to inequalities in weighted Sobolev spaces, such as fractional Poincaré-type inequalities and Korn and conformal Korn inequalities. This technique is based on a certain decomposition of functions that extends the validity of the inequalities