
Analysis Seminar – Bingyuan Liu (University of California, Riverside) Geometry of the @-Neumann problem and the D{F index

227 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Abstract. We shall rst introduce the classical works of Hormander and Kohn on the L2 estimates of the @(-Neumann) problem on bounded domains and then describe applications in complex geometry. It turns out that the boundary geometry plays the fundamental role in the Sobolev estimates of the @ solution. The Diederich{Fornss index is the geometric invariant which predicts the estimates.

Analysis Seminar – Kabe Moen, University of Alabama

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Title: Cotlar’s Inequality Abstract: We will go over Cotlar’s classic inequality concerning the maximal truncation operator of a Calderon-Zygmund operator.  We will also cover some recent results for operators that satisfy a stronger Cotlar inequality.

Analysis Seminar – Scott Rodney, Cape Breton University

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Title: Compact Embeddings of Weighted Sobolev Spaces Abstract: In this talk I will discuss some improvements to recent results concerning the compact em- bedding of generalized Sobolev classes into weighted Lq spaces. The novelty of the result lay in the approach. Arguments use Cauchy sequences rather than distributional denitions of Sobolev classes. As a result,

Special Analysis Seminar – Marcin Bownik, University of Oregon

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Title: Exponential frames and syndetic Riesz sequences Abstract: In this talk we shall explore some of the consequences of the solution to the Kadison-Singer problem. In the first part of the talk we present results from a joint work with Itay Londner. We show that every subset $S$ of the torus of positive Lebesgue measure

Analysis Seminar – David Cruz-Uribe, University of Alabama

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Abstract:  In this talk I will give an over-view of the Stieltjes integral and  review some of the many definitions that appear in the literature.  I will talk about the strengths and weaknesses of each, particularly in relationship to the classical Darboux and Riemann integrals.  I will conclude with a discussion of a new definition

Analysis Seminar – Tuoc Phan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

227 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Calderon-Zygmund theory for nonlinear partial differential equations and applications Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss several recent developments on regularity theory estimates in Sobolev spaces for solutions of several classes of elliptic and parabolic nonlinear PDEs. Some classes of considered equations may be singular and degenerate. Important ideas and techniques will be highlighted. Connections and applications of the results

Colloquium – Yuanzhen Shao, Georgia Southern University

302 Gordon Palmer Hall

Title: Singular Manifold Theory and Its Applications Abstract: The aim of this talk is to introduce the concept of singular manifolds, which can describe various kinds of geometric and analytic singularities in a unified way,  and then my recent work on the partial differential equation theory over singular manifolds will be presented. Based on this theory, I will investigate several linear and nonlinear parabolic equations arising from geometric analysis and applied sciences. Emphasis will be placed on geometric flows with “bad” initial metrics.

Analysis Seminar – José María Martell (Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, Madrid Spain)

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Title: Understanding BMO and VMO using elliptic systems in the upper-half space Abstract: Harmonic Analysis plays a fundamental role in the study of boundary value problems for elliptic operators. In the simplest case of the Laplacian in the upper half-space, the Dirichlet boundary value problem with data in BMO (i.e., having bounded mean oscillation) is solved

Analysis Seminar – John Oliver MacLellan

230 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, AL, United States

Speaker: John-Oliver MacLellan Title: Necessity of Two Weight Ap for L^p Boundedness of Singular Integral Operators Abstract:  The goal of this talk is to investigate necessary conditions for a singular integral operator to map L^p(v)-> L^p(u).  I will review the classical results for the maximal operator and Hilbert transform and then talk about more recent