
Analysis Seminar – Alyssa Genschaw (University of Connecticut)


Title: Solvability of the Dirichlet Problem with L^p Data for Caloric Measure Abstract: This talk concerns two probability measures. First, we consider harmonic measure, which gives solutions to the Dirichlet problem associated to Laplace's equation. Additionally, we may view harmonic measure as the “hitting probability" for Brownian motion. This probabilistic interpretation shows the connection between

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Ina Petkova (Dartmouth College)


Title: A contact invariant from bordered Heegaard Floer homology Abstract: Given a contact structure on a bordered 3-manifold, we describe an invariant which takes values in the bordered sutured Floer homology of the manifold. This invariant satisfies a nice gluing formula, and recovers the Oszvath-Szabo contact class in Heegaard Floer homology. This is joint work

Analysis Seminar – Trang Nguyen (University of South Australia)


Title: Non-homogeneous T(1) theorem for singular integrals on product quasimetric spaces Abstract: In the Calderón-Zygmund Theory of Singular Integrals, the T(1) theorem of David and Journé is one of the most celebrated theorems. It gives easily-checked criteria for a singular integral operator T to be bounded from L^2(R^n) to L^2(R^n), meaning T(f) is bounded for

Analysis Seminar – Brandon Sweeting (University of Cincinnati)


Title: Novel Bellman Estimates for Ap Weights Abstract: The Bellman function method is an assortment of tools for obtaining sharp inequalities in harmonic analysis. To handle an inequality, one fixes a set of parameters, called Bellman variables, and maximizes (or minimizes) the left-hand side subject to these constraints. The solution of the corresponding extremal problem

Colloquium – Yuan Lou (Ohio State University)


Title: Basic reproduction number and principal eigenvalue Abstract: Basic reproduction number is a dimensionless constant which is used in epidemiology to determine if an emerging infectious disease can spread. Principal eigenvalue, a key concept in spectral theory, is used to reflect certain properties of matrices or differential operators. In this talk we will discuss some

Applied Math Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Variations of the sharp interfaces in multiphase problems ABSTRACT: During recent decades, there has been a tremendous growth of activity on multi-phase problems, e.g. multiphase fluids. In most such models, different phases are separated by a sharp interface. This talk aims at introducing some basic geometric tools for taking first and second variations of the

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Hakan Doga (University of Buffalo)


Title: A combinatorial description of the knot concordance invariant epsilon Abstract: Sitting at the intersection of 4-dimensional topology and knot theory, the knot concordance group is an important object in low-dimensional topology whose structure is not yet fully explored and understood. One approach to study knot concordance is to use knot Floer homology, introduced by

Analysis Seminar – Tuoc Phan (University of Tennesse, Knoxville)


Title: Some recent results on L_p-theory for equations with singular and degenerate coefficients Abstract: We consider classes of elliptic and parabolic equations whose coefficients are singular or degenerate of the porotype $x_d^\alpha$ on the domain $\{x_d >0\}, where $\alpha$ is a real number. Two boundary conditions on \{x_d =0\}$ are studied: the homogeneous Diritchlet boundary