
Algebra/Topology Seminar – Ina Petkova (Dartmouth College)


Title: A contact invariant from bordered Heegaard Floer homology Abstract: Given a contact structure on a bordered 3-manifold, we describe an invariant which takes values in the bordered sutured Floer homology of the manifold. This invariant satisfies a nice gluing formula, and recovers the Oszvath-Szabo contact class in Heegaard Floer homology. This is joint work

Analysis Seminar – Trang Nguyen (University of South Australia)


Title: Non-homogeneous T(1) theorem for singular integrals on product quasimetric spaces Abstract: In the Calderón-Zygmund Theory of Singular Integrals, the T(1) theorem of David and Journé is one of the most celebrated theorems. It gives easily-checked criteria for a singular integral operator T to be bounded from L^2(R^n) to L^2(R^n), meaning T(f) is bounded for

Analysis Seminar – Brandon Sweeting (University of Cincinnati)


Title: Novel Bellman Estimates for Ap Weights Abstract: The Bellman function method is an assortment of tools for obtaining sharp inequalities in harmonic analysis. To handle an inequality, one fixes a set of parameters, called Bellman variables, and maximizes (or minimizes) the left-hand side subject to these constraints. The solution of the corresponding extremal problem

Colloquium – Yuan Lou (Ohio State University)


Title: Basic reproduction number and principal eigenvalue Abstract: Basic reproduction number is a dimensionless constant which is used in epidemiology to determine if an emerging infectious disease can spread. Principal eigenvalue, a key concept in spectral theory, is used to reflect certain properties of matrices or differential operators. In this talk we will discuss some

Applied Math Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Variations of the sharp interfaces in multiphase problems ABSTRACT: During recent decades, there has been a tremendous growth of activity on multi-phase problems, e.g. multiphase fluids. In most such models, different phases are separated by a sharp interface. This talk aims at introducing some basic geometric tools for taking first and second variations of the

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Hakan Doga (University of Buffalo)


Title: A combinatorial description of the knot concordance invariant epsilon Abstract: Sitting at the intersection of 4-dimensional topology and knot theory, the knot concordance group is an important object in low-dimensional topology whose structure is not yet fully explored and understood. One approach to study knot concordance is to use knot Floer homology, introduced by

Analysis Seminar – Tuoc Phan (University of Tennesse, Knoxville)


Title: Some recent results on L_p-theory for equations with singular and degenerate coefficients Abstract: We consider classes of elliptic and parabolic equations whose coefficients are singular or degenerate of the porotype $x_d^\alpha$ on the domain $\{x_d >0\}, where $\alpha$ is a real number. Two boundary conditions on \{x_d =0\}$ are studied: the homogeneous Diritchlet boundary

AWM 2021 Colloquium – Lisa Piccirillo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Abstract: There is a rich interplay between the fields of knot theory and 3- and 4-manifold topology. In this talk, I will describe a weak notion of equivalence for knots called concordance, and highlight some historical and recent connections between knot concordance and the study of 4-manifolds, with a particular emphasis on applications of knot