
Applied Math Seminar – Toai Luong (University of Alabama)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Minimizers for the Cahn-Hilliard energy functional under the Dirichlet boundary conditions Abstract: We study the minimizers for the Cahn-Hilliard energy functional with a symmetric quartic double-well potential and under the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Using the Nehari manifold method and connecting it to the eigenvalue problem for the negative Laplacian with the homogeneous boundary condition, we prove that if the boundary value is

Analysis Seminar – Vjekoslav Kovac (University of Zagreb, Croatia and Georgia Tech)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: A Szemeredi-type theorem for subsets of the unit cube. Abstract: We are interested in arithmetic progressions in positive measure subsets of ^d. After a counterexample by Bourgain, it seemed as if nothing could be said about the longest interval formed by sizes of their gaps. However, Cook, Magyar, and Pramanik gave a positive result

AWI Presents: Water H.U.B. Talks series; An opportunity for researchers to come together.

Bevill Building, Room 1000 201 7th Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Hydrodynamic Driven Dissolution In Carbonate Formations: Application to Sinkhole Formation Investigation The extremes of rainfall, extended drought seasons, and groundwater overuse accelerate the formation of sinkholes. In the United States, 20% of the land surface is karst and susceptible to sinkhole formation, especially in Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Despite the increased

Analysis Seminar – José Luis Luna Garcia (University of Missouri)


Title: Critical Perturbations and Solvability for Elliptic Equations Abstract: In this talk we will present recent results concerning solvability of certain Boundary Value Problems associated to a general linear second order elliptic equation, under the assumption that the equation is close, in some critical Lebesgue spaces for the coefficients, to an equation for which solvability

Analysis Seminar – John Hoffman (University of Missouri)


Title: Regular Lip(1,1/2) Approximation of Parabolic Hypersurfaces Abstract: A classical result of David and Jerison states that a regular, n-dimensional set in R^{n+1} satisfying a two sided corkscrew condition is quantitatively approximated by Lipschitz graphs.  After reviewing this result, we will discuss some recent advances in extending this result to the parabolic setting.  The proofs