
Colloquium – Frederic Gibou (University of California at Santa Barbara)


Title: Free Boundary Problem: Challenges and Applications Abstract: There exists a wide range of modern and important physical and Biological phenomena that are described as free boundary problems. The difficulty in solving them stems from the fact that the solution depends on a boundary that evolves in time, at which boundary conditions must be imposed

Applied Math Seminar – Yuan Chen (Michigan State University)


TITLE: Geometry of curve lengthening membranes. ABSTRACT:   In this talk, I’ll present rigorous results of the transient evolution of bilayer interfaces evolving of the mass preserving L^2-gradient flow of the functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation. The proof is based on energy modulated method, which requires a construction of slow manifold – bilayer manifold, composed of approximated solutions dressed around

Analysis Seminar – Timothy Robertson (University of Tennessee)


Title: Masuda's Uniqueness Theorem for Leray-Hopf Weak Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations: Revisited Abstract: In this talk, we revisit the classical Masuda's theorem on the uniqueness of Leray-Hopf weak solutions for the system of Naiver-Stokes equations. We extend this uniqueness result to a class of Leray-Hopf weak solutions in mixed-norm Lebesgue spaces. The talk is based on my

Analysis Seminar – Simon Bortz (University of Alabama)


Simon Bortz is going to talk about the ideas in a recent paper which can be found at Roughly speaking, the talk will be about how a quantitative approximation scheme, in fact, gives a form of quantitative coincidence. The main theorem has some nice applications (e.g. transference of boundedness of singular integrals and `geometric

Applied Math Seminar – Ben Jones (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Adaptive pseudo-time methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with Eulerian solvent excluded surface ABSTRACT: This work further improves the pseudo-transient approach for the Poisson Boltzmann equation (PBE) in the electrostatic analysis of solvated biomolecules. The numerical solution of the nonlinear PBE is known to involve many difficulties, such as exponential nonlinear term, strong singularity by the source

Analysis Seminar – Naga Manasa Vempati (Washington University, Saint Louis)

Title: The two-weight inequality for Calder\'on-Zygmund operators with applications and results on two weight commutators of maximal functions on spaces of homogeneous type. Abstract: For (X,d,w) be a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss, i.e. d is a quasi metric on X and w is a positive measure satisfying the doubling

Analysis Seminar – Alyssa Genschaw (University of Connecticut)


Title: Solvability of the Dirichlet Problem with L^p Data for Caloric Measure Abstract: This talk concerns two probability measures. First, we consider harmonic measure, which gives solutions to the Dirichlet problem associated to Laplace's equation. Additionally, we may view harmonic measure as the “hitting probability" for Brownian motion. This probabilistic interpretation shows the connection between