
Analysis Seminar – Bruno Poggi (University of Minnesota)


Title. Additive and scalar-multiplicative Carleson perturbations of elliptic operators on domains with low dimensional boundaries.   Abstract. At the beginning of the 90s, Fefferman, Kenig and Pipher (FKP) obtained a rather sharp (additive) perturbation result for the Dirichlet problem of divergence form elliptic operators. Without delving into details, the point is that if the (additive)

Colloquium – John Baldwin (Boston College)


Title: Floer homology and the fundamental group Abstract: The most important invariant of a 3-manifold is its fundamental group. One of the most fruitful approaches to understanding the fundamental group is to study its homomorphisms into simpler groups. SU(2) is an especially convenient choice of target because it is one of the simplest non-abelian Lie

AWM Lunch and Learn

Our first ever virtual Lunch and Learn will be on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. via zoom. We will be talking about Mathematics and Modeling COVID19. Please email for the Zoom link and password.  

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Honghao Gao (Michigan State University)


Title: Legendrian invariants, Lagrangian fillings and cluster algebras  Abstract: Classifications of Legendrian knots and their exact Lagrangian fillings are central questions in low-dimensional contact and symplectic topology. Recent development suggests that one can use cluster seeds to distinguish exact Lagrangian fillings. It requires a filling-to-cluster functoriality over a moduli space of Legendrian invariants. This invariant

Bingyang Hu (Purdue University)


Title: On a structure theorem of doubling weights, Muckenhoupt Ap weights and reverse Holder weights. Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a way to construct an explicit family of measures on the real line that are p-adic doubling for any finite set of primes, however, not doubling. This part generalizes the work of Boylan,

Colloquium – Mariel Vazquez (University of California at Davis)


Dr. Mariel Vazquez                 Title: Understanding viruses using topological methods Abstract: For the last 25 years I have studied the effects of DNA packaging as well as the action of DNA binding enzymes responsible for important cellular processes such as DNA replication, or transcription of DNA into RNA.

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Dan Rutherford (Ball State University)


Title:  Normal rulings, augmentations, and the colored HOMFLY-PT polynomial Abstract:  Normal rulings are certain decompositions of front diagrams of Legendrian links in $R^3$ that were discovered independently by Chekanov & Pushkar and Fuchs in the context of generating families and augmentations of the Legendrian DG-algebra respectively. They can be used to define combinatorial invariants of

AWM Talk Series – Dr. Keisha Cook (Tulane University)


Our first AWM Talk Series event is scheduled on Wednesday, October 7th, 3:30 - 4 PM. The speaker is UA Alumna, Dr. Keisha Cook!  Keisha is a postdoctoral researcher at Tulane University. Her research interests include computational biology, statistical analysis and particle tracking. Join us to learn more about her research! Topic: AWM Talk Series

Analysis Seminar – Fernando Lopez-Garcia (Cal State Poly – Pomona)


Title: A local-to-global method for inequalities in weighted Sobolev spaces. Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss a certain local-to-global technique with applications to inequalities in weighted Sobolev spaces, such as fractional Poincaré-type inequalities and Korn and conformal Korn inequalities. This technique is based on a certain decomposition of functions that extends the validity of the inequalities

Algebra/Topology Seminar – JungHwan Park (Georgia Institute of Technology)


Title: On rationally slice knots Abstract: A knot in the three-sphere is called slice if it bounds a smooth disk in the four-ball. If one only requires the disk to be in a rational homology four-ball, then we say that the knot is rationally slice. We present a rationally slice knot which is not slice even