Graduate Studies

Graduate Program Overview

hand writing in a notebook next to an open math textbookDegrees Offered

The department offers degrees in the following graduate programs:

  • Master of Arts in Mathematics (M.A.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Ph.D.)
  • Joint Ph.D. program in applied mathematics with The University of Alabama system campuses at Birmingham and Huntsville.

Students admitted to either PhD in Mathematics or PhD in Applied Mathematics can request to switch to the other PhD program by the August after their first year of PhD studies in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Alabama. Switching programs does not reset the time of PhD studies. Due to the difference in coursework requirements, requests after the aforementioned date is discouraged.

For the requirements of the graduate programs, please read the  UA Graduate Catalog.

Accelerated Masters Program

The University offers an Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) for students who wish to earn a Master’s degree while also studying as undergraduates at the University.


Courses are available in the following areas: algebra, analysis, math biology, math education, numerical analysis and scientific computing, optimization, partial differential equations modeling and analysis, probability & statistics, and topology. A complete list of courses offered is in the UA Graduate Catalog.

Residency Requirements

For University rules regarding transfer credit, residency requirements, and other policies and deadlines, refer to the Graduate Catalog and the Graduate Academic Calendar.

Degree Requirements

The requirements summarized here are covered more fully in the UA Graduate Catalog. You should also consult the current catalog for complete information about University policies.

If University degree requirements happen to change during your stay at the University, you will be subject to the rules that were in force when you first enrolled, not to the new rules. However, you have the right to adopt the new rules if so preferred.

GPA Requirement

Every graduate student must maintain a grade point average of “B” or better. A student whose grades drop below a “B” average will be placed on academic probation. According to University regulations, a probationary student who cannot return to a “B” average within the next 12 hours of graduate work will be dropped from the program.

Application for Degree

All students must submit an “Application for Degree” through their myBama portal. This application must be submitted before the deadline specified by the graduate school.