
Geometry and Topology Research Group

Summary of Research

The geometry and topology group focuses on geometry and topology of knots, three and four manifolds; mathematical physics; symplectic and contact geometry; gauge theory, and Floer and Khovanov homologies; geometric group theory; cluster algebras and Jones polynomials.

Faculty Members

Ulysses Alvarez

Dr. Alvarez’s is currently interested in geometric interpretations of certain features pertaining to cluster algebras, such as viewing the coefficients of cluster variables as Euler characteristics of appropriate quiver Grassmannians and understanding cluster algebras coming from triangulations of surfaces.

Find Dr. Alvarez’s contact information in the department directory.

Jon Corson

Professor Corson’s research is in geometric group theory, group co-homologies, profinite groups.

Find Dr. Corson’s contact information in the department directory.

Kyungyong Lee

Professor Lee’s research is in algebraic geometry, cluster algebras, mathematical physics, Jones polynomials.

Find Dr. Lee’s contact information in the department directory.

Lawrence Roberts

Professor Roberts’ research is in low dimensional topology and Khovanov and Floer homologies.

Find Dr. Roberts’s contact information in the department directory.

Bulent Tosun

Professor Tosun’s research is in contact and symplectic geometry in low dimensions and Heegaad Floer homology.

Learn more about his research on Dr. Tosun’s personal website, and see his publications on ArXiv.

Find Dr. Tosun’s contact information in the department directory.


Department Seminars

The group, jointly with Algebra group, run a weekly in-house Algebra-Topology Seminars on Mondays at 11am during the academic year.

Conferences and Local Opportunities

Relevant Blogs


  • Point Set Topology – Every fall
  • Algebraic Topology I – Every spring
  • Algebraic Topology II – Every other fall
  • Differential Geometry – Every spring
  • Topics course – Every other spring