
Analysis Seminar – Joshua Isralowitz (SUNY Albany)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Sparse domination of commutators via matrix techniques Abstract: In this talk, we will show how one can obtain sparse domination of iterated commutators from a convex body domination of an operator via a simple algebraic trick.  Time permitting, we discuss consequences and related results, such as a bumped Orlicz BMO type sufficient condition for the two

Applied Math Seminar – Hongsong Feng, University of Alabama

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Augmented matched interface and boundary(AMIB) method for elliptic interface problem and a high order fast Poisson solver Abstract: The elliptic interface problem plays an important role in fields such as electromagnetics, bimolecular electrostatics, and material science. This talk introduces augmented matched interface and boundary method that is applied to obtain second order fast solution

Algebra/Topology Seminar – Dan Rutherford (Ball State University)


Title:  Normal rulings, augmentations, and the colored HOMFLY-PT polynomial Abstract:  Normal rulings are certain decompositions of front diagrams of Legendrian links in $R^3$ that were discovered independently by Chekanov & Pushkar and Fuchs in the context of generating families and augmentations of the Legendrian DG-algebra respectively. They can be used to define combinatorial invariants of

Applied Math Seminar – Libin Rong (University of Florida)


TITLE: Recent developments in modeling HIV infection and treatment ABSTRACT: HIV infection is still a serious public health problem in the world. Highly active antiretroviral therapy can suppress viral replication to a very low level but cannot eradicate the virus. Mathematical models, combined with experimental data, have provided important insights into HIV dynamics, immune responses, and drug

Applied Math Seminar – Yuan Chen (Michigan State University)


TITLE: Geometry of curve lengthening membranes. ABSTRACT:   In this talk, I’ll present rigorous results of the transient evolution of bilayer interfaces evolving of the mass preserving L^2-gradient flow of the functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation. The proof is based on energy modulated method, which requires a construction of slow manifold – bilayer manifold, composed of approximated solutions dressed around

Applied Math Seminar – Ben Jones (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Adaptive pseudo-time methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with Eulerian solvent excluded surface ABSTRACT: This work further improves the pseudo-transient approach for the Poisson Boltzmann equation (PBE) in the electrostatic analysis of solvated biomolecules. The numerical solution of the nonlinear PBE is known to involve many difficulties, such as exponential nonlinear term, strong singularity by the source

Applied Math Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Variations of the sharp interfaces in multiphase problems ABSTRACT: During recent decades, there has been a tremendous growth of activity on multi-phase problems, e.g. multiphase fluids. In most such models, different phases are separated by a sharp interface. This talk aims at introducing some basic geometric tools for taking first and second variations of the

Applied Math Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Variations of the sharp interfaces in multiphase problems - Part II ABSTRACT: We will continue with the discussion in Part I and derive the first and second variations of the nonpolar solvation energy of an implicit solvation model. Then in combining with some basic tools from Calculus of Variations, we will study the variations

Applied Math Seminar – Yuanzhen Shao (University of Alabama)


TITLE: Variations of the sharp interfaces in multiphase problems - Part III ABSTRACT: We will continue with the discussion in Part II and derive the first variation of the polar solvation energy of an implicit solvation model.  In the rest of this series of talk, we aim at answering the question whether the minimizer of the