
Applied Math Seminar – Shibin Dai

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Applied Math Seminar Date: Friday September 16 Time: 11:00am-11:50am Location: GP 346 Speaker: Shibin Dai (Department of Mathematics, The University of Alabama) Title: Degenerate diffusion and interface motion of single layer and

Analysis Seminar – Brandon Sweeting

302 Gordon Palmer Hall

Title: Mixed Weak-Type Estimates for Classical Operators   Abstract: We prove new mixed weak type estimates for various classical operators of Harmonic analysis. Mixed weak type inequalities were first studied

AWM Game Night

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Colloquium – Hailong Dao (University of Kansas)

346 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Fractals and Syzygies Abstract: Syzygies are objects invented and utilized by David Hilbert in 1890 to study relations among polynomial equations, and have played a big role in the

NSA Talk with Daphanie Nisbeth

302 Gordon Palmer Hall

AWM is co-sponsoring a talk given by Daphanie Nisbeth from the NSA. The talk will be on Tuesday, September 27th, at 4:30 pm in Gordon Palmer Hall 301-302.Please see the

Analysis Seminar – Atanas Stefanov

231 Gordon Palmer Hall

Title: On the long term dynamics of the Landau-DeGennes gradient flow Abstract: We study the gradient flow of the Landau-deGennes energy functionals, in the physically relevant spatial dimensions $d=2,3$.  We