Alumni & Friends

Prospective Graduate Students

Thank you for your interest in pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics at The University of Alabama. It is our goal to provide an atmosphere that will allow you to learn the theory and practice of mathematics, to begin to make original contributions to the field, and to experience the self-fulfillment of working with dedicated faculty members, students, and postdoctoral associates in areas of common interests.

Joint Meetings Graduate FairWhy Come to The University of Alabama for Graduate Studies?

  • We have a department with many active researchers.
  • We have a diverse and close-knit graduate student body.
  • We are committed to foster the development of the next generation of researchers and educators and to broadening research participation in the mathematical sciences.
  • Our graduates are very successful in the job market, whether in academia, government, or industry.
  • Tuscaloosa is a medium sized city that is a great place to live.
  • Our alumni have ended up in a diverse set of mathematics-related careers and places.

More Information

Our Program

Visit the program overview page for more information on the degrees offered. The UA Graduate Catalog has information about our programs and courses offered.


See the How to Apply page for more information on requirements for more information on the application process.