
Colloquium – Todd Burwell, Boeing Research & Technology

228 Gordon Palmer Hall Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title:  An Overview of Applied Mathematics at Boeing Abstract: In this talk we will give an overview of Boeing Research and Technology and discuss how we support the major Boeing business units. We will discuss research and consulting in Applied Mathematics in an industrial setting and give a few examples from Statistics and Operations Research

Analysis Seminar – Hanh Nguyen, University of Alabama

227 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Hormander’s Condition for Multilinear Fourier Multipliers ABSTRACT: Let m be a positive integer. In this talk, we will introduce optimal conditions, expressed in terms of Sobolev spaces, on m-linear Fourier multiplier operators to be bounded from a product of Lebesgue or Hardy spaces to Lebesgue spaces. Our results are sharp and cover the bilinear case (m

Algebra Seminar – Bulent Tosun, University of Alabama

228 Gordon Palmer Hall Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title:Contact and symplectic geometry in low dimensions Abstract: This series of talks will be about explaining some fundamental open problems in three-dimensional contact geometry. The first talk will be devoted to a gentle introduction to low dimensional contact and symplectic topology: some of the important problems that have been shaping much of current research, and

Analysis Seminar – Robert Rahm, Washington University in St. Lewis

227 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title: Fractional Integral Operators Associated to Schrodinger Operators Abstract: Consider the Schroedinger operator Lf(x) = - Laplace f(x) + V(x)f(x). We investigate weighted inequalities for the fractional integral operator I_a = (L)^-a/2. More precisely, let 0 < a < n and 1/p - 1/q = a/n, we would like to estimate the operator norm of

Analysis Seminar – Jose Conde, Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, Madrid, Spain

227 Gordon Palmer Hall 505 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Conde-Alonso, Jos´e Manuel (Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Spain):  A dyadic RBMO space and pointwise domination of nonhomogeneous Calder´on- Zygmund operators. Abstract: We revisit basic nonhomogeneous Caldero´n-Zygmund theory from the point of view of martingales. Given a measure µ of polynomial growth on Rd, we refine a deep result by David and Mattila to construct an

Algebra/Topology Seminar, Bulent Tosun, University of Alabama

228 Gordon Palmer Hall Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Title : Contact geometry in low dimensions Abstract: This series of talks will be about explaining some fundamental open problems in three-dimensional contact geometry. This third talk will be on overtwisted vs. tight dichotomy (or flexible vs. rigid), and existence problem of tight contact structures.